Microsoft entourage contact
Microsoft entourage contact


On this screen, close “Accounts” dialog box to complete your new email account configuration. Close this dialog box by clicking small square in the upper left corner, then click “OK”.

microsoft entourage contact microsoft entourage contact

On this screen, check "SMTP service requires a secure connection (SSL)" checkbox, check "Override default SMTP port" checkbox and enter "587" (in field next to it), check "SMTP server requires authentication" checkbox and select "Use same settings as receiving mail server” option. Ensure you have the following details with you that are required.


the symbol in a persons email address (e.g.,, ). How To: Setup your email address in Microsoft Entourage for Mac OS X. Then, click “Click here for advanced sending options” button under “SMTP server” field and. Setting Up Microsoft Entourage - Setting Up a POP3 or IMAP Email Account. On this screen, check “This IMAP service requires a secure connection (SSL)" checkbox and close this dialog box by clicking small square in the upper left corner. Start quickly with the most recent versions of Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Outlook, OneNote and OneDrive combining the familiarity of Office and the unique Mac features you love.


Then, click “Click here for advanced sending options” button under “Save password in my Mac OS keychain” checkbox and. “My Mail”, in “Account name” field), check “Include this account in.” checkbox, enter your name (in “Name” field), your email address (in “E-mail address” field), your email address again (in “Account ID” field), IMAP server address (in “IMAP server” field), your password (in “Password” field), check “Save password in my Mac OS keychain” checkbox, and enter SMTP server address (in “SMTP server” field). On this screen, enter a nickname for your account (i.e. Microsoft Entourage is described as Microsoft announced on August 13, 2009, that Entourage would be replaced by Outlook for Macintosh in the next release of Office for Mac, due in late 2010 and is a Email Client in the Office & Productivity category. Call us at (212) 353-3310 or email us at if you need help with Microsoft Entourage on your Mac, or with moving from Entourage to Outlook. On this screen, select “IMAP” option from “Account Type” menu and click “OK”. On this screen, enter your email address (in “E-mail address” field) and click “Configure Account Manually” button. On this “Accounts” dialog box, click small arrow next to “New” option and select “Mail.”.

microsoft entourage contact

Start Microsoft Entourage 2008 application and select “Account Settings.” from “Entourage” menu. Microsoft first released Entourage in October 2000 as part of the Microsoft Office 2001 office suite Office 98, the previous version of Microsoft Office for Mac OS included Outlook Express 5. To turn on calendar synchronization, select the Synchronize events and tasks with iCal and. To turn on contact synchronization, select the Synchronize contacts with Address Book and MobileMe check box. In General Preferences, click Sync Services. You can configure your Microsoft Entourage 2008 for Mac to synchronize with Einstein Law's mail system using the instructions below: Microsoft Entourage was an e-mail client and personal information manager developed by Microsoft for Mac OS 8.5 and higher. On the Microsoft Entourage menu bar, go to Entourage > Preferences.

Microsoft entourage contact